

 Pressure Therapy

Pressure Therapy

Pressure therapy is a technique that involves a professional massage in order to improve circulation and get various benefits. This treatment is not done by hand, instead your limbs or areas such as the abdomen or buttocks are treated by putting on a special presotherapy suit which is attached to a presotherapy machine. The pressure suit surrounds the target part of body and it will apply pressure movements onto the areas to be treated.

The goal is to stimulate circulation and lymph to eliminate what our body doesn't need. The duration of treatment may vary, but typically it lasts for 20-30 minutes.

Star Vac-hardware massage

Star Vac-hardware massage

LPG  Therapies are a combination of various techniques, and methods, machines, manual manipulation and specialized ingredients. Whatever your goals, our Body Therapists will help you decide on a treatment , or a combination of treatment protocols that fit your individual needs resulting in a healthy, shapely, firm, toned, dimple free body.

Benefits of Body Treatments
Reduced appearance of cellulite
Improvement in skin and muscle tone
Lose inches
No scar tissue formation, lumps or bumps that may occur with Liposuction
Promotes an efficient Lymphatic System
Promotes better function of the Nervous System
Strengthens the Immune System
Stimulates circulation of blood throughout the body

Classic anti-cellulite massage

Classic anti-cellulite massage

There are several types of treatment used to combat cellulite, and many of them rely on a cocktail of topical oils and anti cellulite products that are designed to increase blood circulation. Massages take it a step further. It’s a form of deep tissue massage that’s become an accepted treatment for a variety of skin conditions and abnormalities, including cellulite.

Classic common relaxation massage

Classic common relaxation massage

Relaxation massage is a smooth, gentle, flowing style that promotes general relaxation, relieves muscular tension, plus improves circulation and range of movement. 

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Anti-stress massage

Anti-stress massage

Anti-stress massage is one of the most effective methods of relieving stress and its effects and a supportive treatment to prevent stress-related problems in our body. This massage relaxes the muscles and especially the nervous system. It is performed with slow and rhythmic strokes to the head, neck, back and back of the legs. Special anti-stress massage oils help remove all the tension in your body.

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Therapeutic massage

Therapeutic massage

Therapeutic massage

People can use therapeutic massage as a standalone treatment. Some people, such as athletes, labourers or stressed out even office workers, receive regular therapeutic massage to keep themselves in good physical condition.

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